It’s time to move on from the Work-Life Balance notion. It adds more pressure that throws us further off balance.
We predict that the new normal is all about ‘Work-Life Integration’. Relieve yourself of the burden to keep trying to balance everything!!
By giving yourself permission, without any guilt, to put in place habits that serve you well, you’ll relieve stress and fatigue.
By acknowledging what you need to be at your best and integrating it into the working day (whatever hours that means to you), you’ll feel and perform better. Whether it’s a late start, a whole lunch hour or a time out at 3pm for family, exercise or anything else that supports your wellbeing.
If you lead others, you have a responsibility to give your people the space they need. You can even take time to purposefully integrate ‘arrival’ time at the beginning of meetings to stretch and breathe with your colleagues. Just 2 minutes of that, and you’ll have a more productive conversation!
Work-life Integration will be at the heart of sustainable organisations in future.
Mental Health Awareness Week is on May 10, get in touch if you need help to support your people.
We’re inspired by Brené Brown’s prompt that we should remove the shackles of expectation and choose freedom instead. Just imagine what you could make possible for yourself and others.
Brené Brown is a researcher, story-teller, professor, lecturer, author and podcast host who has changed minds about the importance of, and power of, vulnerability. Check out her Dare to Lead podcast series for more inspiration.
We’re inspired by this quote from Kristin Neff who is encouraging us to have unconditional faith in ourselves.
We should pursue whatever is important to us, accepting that we may not always succeed but we will always move forward. The alternative is beating ourselves up and that won’t get us anywhere.
Kristin Neff is a pioneer in the field of Self Compassion research, creating a scale to measure the construct almost 20 years ago. Check out her website self-compassion.org for practical steps to build your self compassion.
Our own founder Michelle Elstein shares a reflection on living, working, parenting and building a new business through Covid.
She has come to the realisation that the greatest inspiration comes from within. It is far more powerful to say “It was important to me and I did it” than to seek validation from anyone else.
Michelle started vlogging one year ago in response to the impact of Covid, sharing ideas on how we can all create new possibilities for ourselves and others. That was one of her “I did it” moments. Now she regularly shares thoughts for us all as leaders and self leaders – so subscribe to her You Tube channel if you’re looking for new ideas.
We’re inspired by Edith Eger’s book The Choice. She articulates so powerfully why and how we can and must own our thoughts. They will ultimately define our potential.
As a world-renowned specialist in treating post traumatic stress disorder who survived the Holocaust, she shares her own journey and learnings in a way which is so accessible and empowering. A highly acclaimed read, which has been referred to as life changing by so many, and one we highly recommend for getting new perspectives in the everyday.
We’re all a work-in-progress. This quote from Simon Sinek inspires us to take every opportunity to learn and not be defined by expectations others place on us.
Simon Sinek is an author and influencer who brought the concept of Purpose into our daily lives with his most ever watched Ted Talk ‘Start With Why’. Since then, he has authored and spoken on a range of issues to get us thinking and working better together to achieve better outcomes for all. Check out the Ted Talk if you want to build a purposeful future for yourself and others.
Adapt with new perspectives.
Own your outcomes.
Create your story.